fertility wellbeing
Are you trying to have a baby?
Or are you just curious about the state of your fertility?
We measure and track pretty much everything, and yet this area, maybe the most important of all, is pretty much left to chance.
And worry about this area can have lead to an enormous cost on our wellbeing.
This doesn't have to be the case.
With modern science, we can now test and understand a range of factors that can influence our chances of having a healthy baby - both now and in the future. All from the comfort of your home.
More information can mean greater wellbeing. And wherever you're currently at, there are ways to help you.
So don't you owe that to yourself?
Lucky is a global pioneer in online fertility services. We are to help you have a healthy baby by using state-of-the-art science and expert medical advice, all in your own home.
We test both female and male areas areas such as hormone levels, vitamin levels, genetic carrier screening and wellbeing. We provide a doctor-developed personalised 12 week plan with actions, education and support to help you have your baby as soon as possible.
Isn't it time to get lucky?
How you choose to live your life is limitless.
Your fertility isn't.
Maybe want kids someday? Understand your hormones now.
So that you can make the right choices, such as freezing your eggs, later.
welcome to the wellbeing doctor
The wellbeing doctor aims to bridge the spaces between medicine, wellness lifestyle and technology. As a both an educational platform and media group founded by Dr Rachel Thomas, we aim to help you optimise your wellbeing. Start the Thrive in 5 course
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patented skincare
Our skin is our largest organ, absorbing much of what is put on it. Try these patented, organic, cruelty-free, blends that are designed to boost your mood